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Sibilance: Definition and Examples

The art of language embraces sound just as it does precision and eloquence of written expression. For example, along the way we've discussed alliteration, which is the repetition of two or more neighboring sounds of words, often initial letters, to create a phonetic device: simple story accept and excel The repeating alliterative sounds occur either …

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What Is Aspect in Grammar?

We use verbs to communicate actions. We also express their timing in the present, past, or future through their tense: e.g., practice, practiced, will practice. Beyond establishing timing, we further treat verbs to indicate their open or closed nature within their tense. In other words, how does the action extend or not extend during a particular …

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Nominal Number: Definition and Examples

We are familiar with numbers and the function they serve: We use and look at them just about every day. Recognizable enough in our checkbooks and calculators, numbers also have their own categories in writing. For example, the following sentences contain both ordinal and cardinal numbers: 1. Donetta took first place in the spelling bee. …

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What Is Subject-Verb Concord?

Subjects and verbs are the principal components of language. Before we can provide descriptive or informative details in a sentence, we must know the actor and the action. Subjects and verbs are so fundamental to communication in English that they can form complete thoughts alone. Examples Jon runs. You walk. Jennifer jogs. English subjects and …

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What Is a Stative Verb?

We often relate the word “verb” with an action: We eat, we work, we talk, we sleep. These verbs are also referred to as dynamic verbs. However, not all verbs describe physical actions. Some express: senses opinions thoughts ownership or measurement states of being emotions or feelings Such verbs are known as stative verbs. Examples …

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Present Perfect Progressive (Continuous) Tense

English uses tense to indicate the timing of a verb's action in the present, the past, or the future. Traditional English includes twelve tenses: present X simple past progressive future perfect perfect progressive In this discussion, we'll review the present perfect progressive tense, which is also referred to as the present perfect continuous. Present Perfect …

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Subject Complements: Usage and Examples

The word complement in English means "something that completes or makes perfect; either of two parts or things needed to complete the whole." A subject complement in English describes or renames a sentence subject and completes the sense of the verb by means of an adjective, a noun, a pronoun, a possessive noun or pronoun, …

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Interjections: What They Are and Examples

Way to go! If you're engaging this discussion, you have a sincere interest in understanding how specific parts of speech function in American English. Congrats! An English interjection communicates a writer's or speaker's feeling or focus in emphasizing a statement or drawing someone's attention to it. It is a reaction to someone or something. Interjections …

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Interrogative Sentences: Usage and Examples

The English language includes four types of sentences: declarative, interrogative, exclamatory, and imperative. This discussion will focus on interrogative sentences. What Is an Interrogative Sentence? A declarative sentence "declares" something (e.g., facts, thoughts, opinions), an exclamatory sentence imparts a strong expression or emotion, and an imperative sentence issues a command. An interrogative sentence asks a …

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What Is the Possessive Case?

The concept of case in English involves the relationship of a noun, a pronoun, or an adjective (also referred to as a determiner) with other parts of a sentence. The possessive case often conveys possession or ownership, such as Joseph's book or my opinion. It is the only case in which nouns alter their form …

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