Grammar Quizzes Free Quizzes |
The Blue Book of Grammar and Punctuation

Bad vs. Badly Quiz

1. For each of the following, choose the correct sentence. If either sentence is correct, choose both.

 A) Sergio would like so bad to travel to Italy.
 B) Sergio would like so badly to travel to Italy.
 C) A and B are both correct.


 A) I feel bad that your flight was canceled.
 B) I feel badly that your flight was canceled.
 C) A and B are both correct.


 A) Were you hurt bad when you crashed your bike into the tree?
 B) Were you hurt badly when you crashed your bike into the tree?
 C) A and B are both correct.


 A) The potato salad smelled bad after you left it out on the counter all night.
 B) The potato salad smelled badly after you left it out on the counter all night.
 C) A and B are both correct.


 A) Their poor dog missed them so bad while they were gone.
 B) Their poor dog missed them so badly while they were gone.
 C) A and B are both correct.

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